
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fuel wood as a source of energy in Nepal

Fuel wood as a source of energy in Nepal
Fuel wood as a source of energy in Nepal
In Nepal fuel wood is the main source of energy for heating and cooking purposes and forest remain the single most important source for firewood, particularly for rural people. Forest account for 78 percent of energy consumption.
The pattern of energy consumption is changing along with the economic growth and urbanization. The use of traditional sources of energy such as cow dung and agricultural residues declined from 22 percent to 9 percent while the consumption of energy from the commercial sources such as coal, petroleum products and electricity increased from 4 percent to 12 percent. However, the major percentage share is still fuel wood. ThJustify Fulle rural people still depends on firewood to meet their energy demand for cooking and heating purposes due to lack of alternative sources of energy at affordable prices. Firewood is still considered as the 'free gift' of nature and people are reluctant to pay for it. As many rural people Justify Fulldepend on firewood, its consumption has increased along with population growth. Fuel wood and fodder collection has adversely affected the growing stock of the natural forests and maturity of plantation forests.

Why rural people use fuel wood?
People living in the rural areas/ villagers mostly due to the following reasons.

o Wood is easily available
o No transportation is required
o Useful for both heating and cooking purposes.
o Obtain from waste woods
o High calorific value such as Shorea robusta(22.74MJ/kg), Alnus nepalensis(18.23 MJ/kg)

Methods for efficient use of fuel wood: To reduce consumption of the fuel wood quantity, there are some alternative methods that have been applied in the rural areas of Nepal.
1.Improved stove: It is a special structure made to reduce fuel wood consumption with mud and stone. This stove is good for health and environment as it controls the rate of smoke flow.

2.Charcoal: Charcoal is a from of wood consists in burning without contact with the air. If wood is burnt in the presence of air, it is converted into small quantity of ash. If air is largely excluded during the process of burning, combustion is retarded and wood is partially burnt and the residue left behind it is known is charcoal. In city areas of Nepal, blacksmith and metal workers mostly use charcoal for melting ores.

3.Bio-briquettee: It is also known as' Beehive-briquette'. It is an alternative source of energy made from herbs, shrubs and other waste materials derived from forest. It can be easily used in houses and offices. It is an effective source of energy which does not affect the health as it is smokeless. It can be alternatively used in place of fuel wood, kerosene, gas and electricity etc.

Conclusion: To sum up, it can be said that majority of the people living in rural areas are heavily dependent on forest in order to fulfill the demand of fuel wood. Since the rural people don't have any technical knowledge regarding management of forest , so it is necessary to provide education to make them aware so that forest can be sustain ably managed.

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